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Assistive technology (AT) includes the equipment and services that enhance learning, working and daily living for people with disabilities. Many people think that AT has to be high-tech and electronic, but it can be any device that improves function! The ideal AT program includes these adaptations/equipment and a comprehensive training program that continuously re-evaluates need. 


Here are some basic examples of assistive technology:


  • communication boards and devices

  • computers and specialized software

  • mobility and positioning devices, and mounting equipment

  • hardware including switches, keyboards, and pointing devices

  • specialized learning materials and aids 

  • home modifications, like automated lights and assistants like Alexa


In addition to assessment, recommendations and training, I can support you in the procurement of these specialized devices. I can assist you in working with government programs, regional centers, private health insurance, rehabilitation and job training programs, and private organizations to help access what you need. 

Laptop Typing
Assistive Technology: Service
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